Facial Treatments

Hydrafacial MD

Perfect for the glowy, hydrated look ~

3 Step Treatment: Cleanse, Exfoliate, Extract!

Works for ALL skin types & can be customizable for specific skin concerns

Each treatment comes with our FREE booster of choice, LED treatment, and high frequency mushroom (if needed).

Microneedling with HA or PRP

Microneedling with PRP is a cosmetic treatment that stimulates collagen production by rolling fine needles over the skin and applying platelets, which are one of the components of blood.

The addition of PRP from the blood may make microneedling more effective. The liquid in blood is plasma, while platelets are solid. Platelets help blood clot, so they are vital for healing wounds and injuries. PRP is plasma in which the concentration of platelets is higher than that of other components of the blood.

Microneedling with HA takes the use of conventional microneedling with hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance that can help improve the quality of your skin and reverse the naturally aging process. As you age, your production of HA decreases. Microneedling is an effective procedure to deliver HA, and this unique method can increase the efficacy of treatment.

Skin Tag Removal

A skin tag is normally harmless and painless. You might want to have it removed if it gets in your way. Something rubbing against it can irritate it. It might snag on jewelry and clothing.

Several ways to remove skin tags:

Snipping. Your doctor will numb the area. He’ll cut off the tag with special scissors. This gets rid of the skin tag immediately.

Freezing. Doctors call this “cryotherapy.” They use super-cold liquid nitrogen to remove the skin tag. It will fall off about 10-14 days after the treatment. The downside is this method can irritate the skin around the tag.

Burning. An electrode sends an electric current into the skin growth. It dries out the tissue so the tag falls off.

Wart Removal

Warts are small, self-limited benign tumors caused by one of over 100 types of human papillomaviruses (HPV).

Several ways for warts removal:

Stronger peeling medicine (salicylic acid). Prescription-strength wart medications with salicylic acid work by removing layers of a wart a little bit at a time. Studies show that salicylic acid is more effective when combined with freezing.

Freezing (cryotherapy). Freezing therapy done at a doctor’s office involves applying liquid nitrogen to your wart. Freezing works by causing a blister to form under and around your wart. Then, the dead tissue sloughs off within a week or so. This method may also stimulate your immune system to fight viral warts. You’ll likely need repeat treatments.

Other acids. If salicylic acid or freezing isn’t working, your doctor may try trichloroacetic acid. With this method, the doctor first shaves the surface of the wart and then applies the acid with a wooden toothpick. It requires repeat treatments every week or so. Side effects are burning and stinging.

Minor surgery. Your doctor can cut away the bothersome tissue. It may leave a scar in the treated area.

Laser treatment. Pulsed-dye laser treatment burns (cauterizes) tiny blood vessels. The infected tissue eventually dies, and the wart falls off. The evidence for the effectiveness of this method is limited, and it can cause pain and scarring.

Radio Frequency Treatments

Radiofrequency is all about stimulating your own collagen production. During a treatment a machine is used to heat the skin to between 38-40 degrees with radiofrequency, which feels like a hot stone face massage – you do feel heat in the skin but it’s comfortable.

It takes approximately 30 minutes to treat a whole face and the only discomfort is some feeling of heat in the skin (which not everyone gets). There is no downtime – you could easily have a treatment at lunchtime and go out that evening looking amazing!

Free consultation!

Call us now at 626-479-7340 or visit any of our branches at

853 S. Glendora Ave. Ste. A
West Covina, CA 91790
14051 Ramona Pkwy.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706